Random Notes by Van Dyke Parks

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Van Dyke Parks by Van Dyke Parks

  • "My first instrument, the clarinet. With that, I always sat first chair. My brothers played trumpet, French horn, and doublebarrel euphonium. Each Advent season, we hit the neighborhood with Noels." Read full auto-bio...

Cotton, Water, and Beauty by Sally Parks

  • "The school was housed in another old Victorian Italianate house. I was in heaven. The stairs were definitely not safe but I eagerly climbed them. The place was filled with artists mixing paints, stretching cotton, and sketching, and I wanted to be one." Read on...

The Day Van Dyke Parks Went Calypso...

  • "He was unable to predict that the sessions with Mighty Sparrow would be fraught with rage, and that his efforts would earn him the enmity of Bob Marley, whose production requests he ignored in favor of calypso." See full article...

Word of the Day: "Anthropocene"

  • In just two centuries, we humans have wrought such vast and unprecedented changes to our biosphere that we actually might be ushering in a new geological time interval, and will alter the planet for millions of years. Read the full definition...

Renknowned violinist Israel Baker dies at 92

  • This classical violinist was heard on dozens of movie scores. He led the attack of violins that accompanies the chilling shower scene in 'Psycho.' "This giant was the concertmaster for Song Cycle, Discover America, and many such efforts of mine..." Read full obituary...

Bob Hare — Obituary by Frank Holmes

  • "Everyone around him felt the support he had for people, especially poets, artists, and musicians. The man never held a grudge. He never tired of giving to others. He leaves a big empty space." Read more...